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Boat(w)right Family Genealogy in America




John Boatwright of Virginia Land Grant
Land Grants 42, 1798-1799, Reel 108 Pgs 597-598, VA State Library

James Wood, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, to all to whom these presents 
shall come, Greeting:

Know ye, that by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant Number two thousand three hundred 
and six, issued the thirty-first day of October Seventeen Hundred and Ninety Seven, there is 
Granted by the said Commonwealth, unto John Botewright a certain tract or parcel of land 
containing sixty six and a half acres by survey bearing date the twenty third day of October 
One Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Eight, lying and being in the County of Prince Edward 
on the waters of Appomattox River, and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at a white oak 
near the mount branch running thence down the same as it meanders sixty six poles to a leach 
in Peaks patent line; thence on his line North sixty seven degrees East twenty five poles to a 
poplar, South fifty degrees East eighty three poles to Dillon's corner thence on his line South 
forty one degrees West thirty poles to a dead corner pine thence on the same South seven 
degrees West seventy eight poles to Peniks corner pine, thence on his line North sixty six 
degrees West four poles to a pine, thence continuing on his line South eighty one and a half 
degrees West seventy two poles to the mouth of a branch, thence down the branch ninety five 
poles to the Beginning, with its appurtenances, to have and to hold the said tract or parcel 
of land with its appurtenances, John Botewright and his heirs forever.

In Witness whereof the said James Wood, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 
has hereunto set his and caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at 
Richmond, on the fourth day of September in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred 
and Ninety Nine, and of the Commonwealth the twenty fourth."

Note:  Reuben Boatwright m Lucy Penick (Peneck) 7-26-1785, Prince Edward
         County VA.

Boatwright/Boatright Family Genealogy Website
created by George Boatright,
Please e-mail any additions / corrections / comments.

last modified: March 20, 2006


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